collection 45 - New Development in east vancouver
(November 08, 2011

Concrete building, amazing views of downtown, top end finishing and prices that will blow you away. The My East Van team were lucky enough to be invited to the Realtor preview event before it opened to the public this past weekend. We have all the basic pricing, Features and floorplans on our site under our "Buy" section above, then Buildings:
If you need a chaperon to the Display Centre, don't hesitate to contact the My East Van Team! On top of showing you around the Display Centre, we will buy you lunch @ Burgoos on Main Street.
Tracy Uchida - 604-518-5152
Neal Uchida - 604-808-8801
Nels Agerbo - 604-767-9534
Jason Fan - 604-723-5482 (English & Cantonese)

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